BNB Chain Enhances Network Security and MEV Efficiency for Web3 dApps

BNB Chain is stepping up its game. This blockchain platform, dedicated to supporting Web3 decentralized applications (dApps), has announced plans to improve its Maximal Extractable Value (MEV) and boost network security.
So, what is MEV? It’s a key part of Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchains like BNB Chain and Ethereum. While it can lead to issues like arbitrage and sandwich attacks, it also encourages participation and keeps the network secure.
Here’s how it works: the Proposer-Builder Separation (PBS) model splits the roles of block proposers (validators) and block builders. Builders create blocks and submit them to validators. Validators then pick the most profitable block to add to the blockchain. Right now, over 60% of transactions are processed on-chain through builders. BNB Chain aims to raise that number to over 90% to better protect users.
Using a private MEV-protected RPC is a smart move. It lets users submit transactions to a developer’s private mempool. This reduces the chances of falling victim to sandwich attacks. Many decentralized exchange (DEX) protocols and wallet providers, like Pancake Swap, offer free MEV protection. But if you want more, you can purchase premium private MEV-protected RPCs from providers like BloxRoute, Blocksmith, Nodereal, Blockrazor, and Puissant.
To speed up transactions, BNB Chain suggests creating a proxy. This proxy broadcasts transactions to multiple builders, which can help get them included in blocks faster. Users will need to set up their own RPC proxy using different builder service providers.
BNB Chain is all about making dApps easier to create and use. Recently, they announced an integration with Telegram. This will make it simpler for both users and developers to access the platform. Overall, this integration is expected to enhance the user experience, making it more convenient to engage with BNB Chain services.